September 26, 2012

One Dollar Wednesday

It's Wednesday and I just listed these two skirt paintings on ebay. I'll be really focusing in my studio Monday! For sure...I keep saying that, but this time it's true!! :)

September 19, 2012

No. 186 - SOLD

“Coy”, 8″x6″, oil on stretched canvas, ©2012 Heather Hingst Bennett

For this months painting challenge our painting group decided to paint our…unmentionables. Not to sound weird, but it’s really fun to paint underwear. You’ll probably see more!

I’ll have these up on eBay tonight.

Thanks for stopping by!

September 18, 2012

No. 181 - 185

I am just a little bit behind posting my alla prima paintings over here. I was going to post them all separately on their original date, but that was getting a bit tedious. So, here's what I have been busy painting...

No. 181

“Campbell’s Soup”, 6″x6″x3/4″, oil on cradled wood panel

Originally painted on August 6, 2012, Andy Warhol's birthday.

No. 182 - SOLD

“Blue Monday”, 8″x8″, oil on canvas panel

Originally painted on August 13, 2012.

No. 183 - SOLD

“The Daisy Bunch”, 5″x7″, oil on carton panel

Originally painted August 14, 2012.

No. 184 - SOLD

“Pink Spot”, 5″x7″, oil on carton paper

Originally painted on August 21, 2012.

No. 185 - SOLD

“Three Left”, 8″x8″, oil on canvas panel

Originally painted September 10, 2012.

It feels good to be all caught up! Thanks for stopping by. :)