May 18, 2014

Soft Spoken

No. 291, 6" x 6", acrylic on gessoboard
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I have been enjoying my first week of an online Intuitive Painting class with Flora Bowley. The class is more about creating abstract work, but I thought it would be great to apply what I’m learning to still life as well. Below are 2 paintings I’ve been working on this past week for my class.

May 9, 2014


No. 290, 4" x 4", oil on gessoboard

This will be the last "dog" ball for now. My dog, Zoe, is relieved that I won't be painting anymore of her toys. She doesn't really like to share, but she does LOVE to play CATCH! She's very good at it and would play for hours if she found someone willing to throw the ball for hours.

May 4, 2014


No. 289, 6" x 6" oil on gessoboard

I love the contrast of the delicate rose buds and the beer bottle.

May 3, 2014


No. 288, 6" x 6", oil on gessoboard

I painted this and then went to visit my "mumsie".