April 25, 2013


No. 237, 6"x6", oil on gessoboard, ©2013 Heather Hingst Bennett

Remember those 80s pinstriped jeans? You know you've got a pair stashed somewhere. Here's a picture to remind you of how cool they were or if you are too young to remember them.

April 24, 2013

1 $ Wednesday

"Midnight Affair"

I thought it was time to have a One Dollar Wednesday. I originally painted this in 2011. It's amazing how time flies!

I'll have a new painting to show you tomorrow.

April 18, 2013

Simply Red

No. 234, 6"x6", oil on gessoboard, ©2013 Heather Hingst Bennett

I have gone from wanting all the rooms in our home painted a different color to wanting everything white. All white walls. So far, the dining room was the first to go. It was green...now it's white. I should have took a before picture, but I'll try to remember to snap an after...when it's all done. :)

April 11, 2013


No. 232, 6" x 6", oil on gessoboard, ©2013 Heather Hingst Bennett

It was my daughters 22nd birthday last week. Why does that make me feel old?

April 2, 2013

Bloom, Bottle, & Buddy

No. 230, 6" x 6" x 3/4", acrylic on cradled wood panel

I think I'll need to get some new flowers real soon.