July 31, 2013

1 $ Wednesday

"Orange Crush", ©2011

I'm constantly dropping off and picking up this week and haven't had time to work on painting. School starts August 13 and I will be ready!

July 26, 2013

July 23, 2013

Monday Tuesday Posy

No. 251, still life, 6"x6", acrylic on gessoboard
Click here to purchase.

I started this posy painting on Monday and finished it on Tuesday.

July 21, 2013

Secondary Posy

No. 250, 6"x6", acrylic on gessoboard

When I finished painting I noticed I had used a secondary color scheme (purple, orange, green) AND this is the second posy painting in this little series...hence the name.

I'm taking a different approach to my daily paintings. I've been super picky and even though I paint every day I mostly wipe off what I paint. So, I'm going to try painting in acrylic, working very loose, and posting what I have finished at the end of my painting session. Good or bad. :) So far I feel so much happier and I'm actually looking forward to painting.

I am hoping for a more abstract instead of impressionist outcome.

July 20, 2013

Purple Posy

No. 249, 6"x6", acrylic on gessoboard

Made it to the farmer's market this morning and brought back some beautiful purple, lavender, pink and white flowers.

July 19, 2013

Just Like You

No. 248, 6"x6", acrylic on gessoboard

The little striped bowl wants to be "just like" the green bowl.

I'm heading to the farmer's market tomorrow morning in search for some flowers to paint and to just have around the house.

July 11, 2013

Matching Bowl

No. 247, 6"x6", oil on gessoboard

I found this bowl at the thrift store and then found some apples to match it.

July 10, 2013

1 $ Wednesday

"Three More Petites" ©2012

It's been a tough week in the studio. Hope to have some luck on a painting tomorrow!

July 6, 2013

Sun Catcher

No. 246, 6" x 6", oil on gessoboard
Click here to purchase.

I’m finally starting to wear a hat when I’m out in the sun. It’s vicious!

We’ve been at a family reunion all day. Now were heading out for a few drinks with the family.

July 3, 2013

1 $ Wednesday

"Lemon Inside" ©2010

This was painting no. 33 in my quest to become a daily painter. I'm still trying to achieve a real daily painting practice...at least for a year. SOON!